Frequently Asked Questions

Where are total P and total N?

These are stored as the columns P and N respectively.

Which redox state is used for the phreeqc simulations?

It uses the default values as used by phreeqc itself, that is, Fe(2), As(3) and Mn(2).

Why does ammonium not contribute in the redox-equilibrium?

This is by design as its kinetics are generally too slow. It is added as a separate species in phreeqc (Amm instead of NH4+).

How do I report alkalinity and/or bicarbonate (HCO3-)?

It is assumed everywhere that the HCO3- concentration equals the alkalinity.

Why is my pH, temperature or other column not added to the SamplesFrame and/or recognized by HGC?

A common mistake is that the temperature is added with

df.temp = 10

But this is an invalid way of adding columns to a DataFrame and therefore, it is not recognized as a column Instead, use

df['temp'] = 10